Case Study - Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society (AAHGS)
"Community Enterprise provides us with 'one stop shopping' and gives us many different features in one place. We have multiple websites and databases for chapters, events, and awards. We manage membership, send email newsletters, and collect form submissions on our website. And, CitySoft provides timely support."
- Ric Murphy, Vice President History, Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
The Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society is a national volunteer organization dedicated to sharing resources and providing leadership within the Afro-American community for pursuing historical and genealogical research. Despite the challenges of managing data and content within a distributed, nation-wide, volunteer organization, AAHGS has utilized CitySoft's platform effectively to manage its online data, content and communications.
CitySoft's platform allows AAHGS to manage multiple websites - for the national and chapter organizations, for events, and for awards - on one platform from one login at no extra expense. These sites can include password-protected, member-only pages and sections. And, they can include a full suite of features such as calendars, donation forms, applications, newsletter sign ups, and much more.
Chapter Databases
With CitySoft's platforms, AAHGS can distribute membership management to local affiliates around the country. Chapter administrators can log in to their chapter membership databases - within the overall AAHGS database - and manage the details of their local membership data and communications.
Online Forms
AAHGS uses CitySoft form builder to manage multiple different custom forms on their website. These forms include awards related forms, officer election forms, and calls for papers, among others.
Email Newsletters
The AAHGS team of volunteers has used the CitySoft platform to send hundreds of newsletters to members and other constituents. These include a wide range of communications including press releases, member newsletters, conference related information, awards information, and more.