Continuing Education Management


With CE’s Education module, you can keep track of all your constituents' continuing education records in one place online that is accessible to anyone with a browser and access permissions.

Contact Management | CitySoft


  • Add, edit, or remove constituents' continuing education credits records in the database.
  • Search continuing education data by constituent, type, and site.
  • Custom forms and fields allow you to create custom forms to track different information for different types of continuing education.
  • Administrators can create and export custom reports of continuing education data.
  • Administrators can view continuing education history for each individual contact record. 
  • Administrators can create continuing education programs with pre-set education credits per program.
  • Administrators can set continuing education credits in events in the Events module to credit event attendees with credits.
  • Constituents can login to the website and view their own continuing education credits.
  • Constituents can login to the website and add their own continuing education credits.